How to get iTunes 12 (beta) to run on Mavericks
If you have use a shared directory like Dropbox to share your iTunes library on several Macs then you will run into a problem if you install the Yosemite beta on one of the computers as you also install iTunes 12, which changes the database so that it will not work in iTunes 11.x.
But luckily there is a way to get around this and install iTunes 12 on Mavericks:
On the above page you download the files from Yosemite and allow it to be installed on your Mavericks machine.
Works like a charm
Best wishes
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Bor i Kolding med min hustru Heidi og vores to skønne børn Emma og William. Jeg elsker ALT der gør hverdagen bedre, lettere eller bare sjovere. Jeg elsker god mad og inspirerende oplevelser, og så har jeg altid haft et blødt punkt for gadgets og lækkert udstyr til hjemmet. Til daglig er jeg medicinmand i det danske hospitalsvæsen.