How to hide your Apple TV box behind Samsung Smart TV
A lot of us have purchased the Apple TV, which is an incredible box especially for owners of apple products and netflix users. Unfortunately, Apple have chosen to use a remote control that sends infrared signals instead of bluetooth.
Until now, I thought that I just had to have the little black box (AppleTV) placed beneath my Samsung Smart TV (UE46D8000) but recently I discovered that the upper right part of the TV was a perfect place for the box to be located.
In the above picture my Samsung hard drive and AppleTV have been mounted with velcro tape, which easily holds the units in place. The AppleTV box is now hidden but still the Apple remote control works when in front of the tv – even if you are located a bit to the left of the TV…
I hope that you can use this for something… I’m not really sure if this has been posted several times before but here you go…
Den korte danske version:
Hvis man ligesom jeg har en AppleTV box som man har liggende under TV og flyde, så tjek ovenstående billede. Her viser jeg hvordan man kan sætte appletv’et fast med velcrotape, og stadig bruge den fjernbetjening der fulgte med selvom den kun sender med infrarød. Den kan åbenbart trænge igennem TV’et i det hjørne af TV’et eller tillader at signalet spejles retur fra væggen.
Håber det er brugbart…
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Bor i Kolding med min hustru Heidi og vores to skønne børn Emma og William. Jeg elsker ALT der gør hverdagen bedre, lettere eller bare sjovere. Jeg elsker god mad og inspirerende oplevelser, og så har jeg altid haft et blødt punkt for gadgets og lækkert udstyr til hjemmet. Til daglig er jeg medicinmand i det danske hospitalsvæsen.
Thank you for sharing this article. I am about to create a very similar set up but with a different Samsung TV model. Want to give you a little suggestion of my own. Try and create a little personal cloud using a wireless router that allows for USB external HDD connections.. I use a Linksys EA6500 Video HD router and have connected two 2 TB HDDs achieving a 4TB personal cloud system. Whenever I download or convert any personal videos, I can store them on these hard drives and then access them via itunes on my Apple TV. So no need to paste these HDDs to the TV.. They are always connected to my router and still can be accessed via my TV.